I have written an application for Infix to Postfix expression using C language. Here I have shown how to implement infix to postfix for an expression written with parenthes types such as (), [] and {}. When the parentheses are written incorrectly, the program fails and does not perform the operation.
First of all, I created a Stack data structure. Inside this structure is an array and a top (int top) value that specifies the MAXSIZE (int stk [MAXSIZE]) of the stack as the int value.
The default initial value for top is -1.
Then I defined void push () and int pop () functions.
ctype.h -> Used for isalnum () function
MAXSIZE 50 -> Maximum array size for stack
The current character is a starting bracket (‘(‘ or ‘{‘ or ‘[‘) .
Function called to add value to expression..
>If the stack is full, I can’t add elements.
>So I first checked if the directory is full.
>If the array is not full, a new element can be added.
>For this, I assigned the number to the index by increasing the ball value from -1 at the beginning.
The current character is a closing bracket (‘)’ or ‘}’ or ‘]’).
Function called to extract value from expression.
>First I checked if the stack is empty.
>If the array is not empty, the element can be omitted.
>This can only be done by decreasing the top value by 1.
I wrote such a function for priority order.
‘*’ and ‘/’ values are before ‘+’ and ‘-‘ values are later expressions.
Firstly, I defined expression[100] and I also defined a pointer named ‘exp’ and I did it to get it from the expression value that the user has entered.
I checked whether the ‘e’ parameter value passed in the Expression is a letter or a number in the alphabet. And the program printed the expression.
->Expression is pushed if it starts with parentheses
->If Expression is the closing parenthesis, pops the values up to the opening brackets
Expression values are subtracted from the array until it reaches top.Pop function is applied.
push(*exp); Then the entire expression is pushed.
I wrote a while loop for the expression to subtract values until the top value reaches -1, i.e. until the array ends.

#include<ctype.h> // Used for isalnum () function
#define MAXSIZE 50 // Maximum array size for stack
//I created stack data structure
struct Stack {
int top;
int stk[MAXSIZE];
} st;
void initialValue() { //The default initial value of top is -1. = -1;
void push(char); //The current character is a starting bracket (‘(‘ or ‘{‘ or ‘[‘) //Add element
int pop(); //The current character is a closing bracket (‘)’ or ‘}’ or ‘]’) then pop from stack //Element exit
void push(char value) {
if( == MAXSIZE-1)
printf(“Stack is Full!”); // If the stack is full, I can’t add elements.
//So I first checked if the directory is full.
else {;
st.stk[] = value;
//If the array is not full, a new element can be added.
//For this, I assigned the number to the index by increasing the ball value from -1 at the beginning.
int pop() {
if( == -1) // First I checked if the stack is empty.
return -1;
return st.stk[ — ]; //If the array is not empty, the element can be omitted.
//This can only be done by decreasing the top value by 1.
int precedence(char value) //Function written for priority order
if(value == ‘(‘ || value == ‘[‘ || value == ‘{‘ )
return 0;
if(value == ‘+’ || value == ‘-’)
return 1;
if(value == ‘*’ || value == ‘/’)
return 2;
return 0;
int main() {
char expression[100];
char *exp, value; // ‘e’ is the character value to be processed.
printf(“\nEnter the Expression: “);
exp = expression;
while(*exp != ‘\0’) {
if(isalnum(*exp)) //Checks whether the ‘e’ parameter value passed in the Expression is a letter or a number in the alphabet.
printf(“%c “,*exp);
else if(*exp == ‘(‘) // Expression is pushed if it starts with parentheses
else if(*exp == ‘)’) // If Expression is the closing parenthesis, pops the values up to the opening brackets
while((value = pop()) != ‘(‘)
printf(“%c “, value);
else if(*exp == ‘{‘) // Expression is pushed if it starts with parentheses
else if(*exp == ‘}’) // If Expression is the closing parenthesis, pops the values up to the opening brackets
while((value = pop()) != ‘{‘)
printf(“%c “, value);
else if(*exp == ‘[‘) // Expression is pushed if it starts with parentheses
else if(*exp == ‘]’)
while((value = pop()) != ‘[‘) // If Expression is the closing parenthesis, pops the values up to the opening brackets
printf(“%c “, value);
while(precedence(st.stk[]) >= precedence(*exp))
printf(“%c “,pop()); //Expression values are subtracted from the array until it reaches top.Pop function is applied.
push(*exp); //Then the entire expression is pushed.
while( != -1)
printf(“%c “,pop()); //Expression subtracts values until the top value reaches -1, i.e. until the array ends.
return 0;