Calculate the Height of a Binary Tree
To calculate the height of the Binary Tree, look at root. Also;
Height of Node: Number of edges in the longest path from that node to a leaf.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//Binary tree has data,pointer left&right child
struct binaryTreeNode{
int data;
struct binaryTreeNode *left;
struct binaryTreeNode *right;
//I created a new node
struct binaryTreeNode *createNodes(int data){
struct binaryTreeNode *node = (struct binaryTreeNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct binaryTreeNode));
// Assign data to newNode, leftchildren= NULL and rightchildren=NULL
node -> data = data;
node -> left = NULL;
node -> right = NULL;
return node;
struct binaryTreeNode *generateBinaryTree(){
//I define root&nodes
struct binaryTreeNode *root = createNodes(5);
root->left = createNodes(7);
root->right = createNodes(9);
root->left->left = createNodes(11);
root->left->right = createNodes(13);
root->right->left = createNodes(15);
root->right->right = createNodes(17);
root->left->left->left = createNodes(19);
root->right->left->left = createNodes(21);
root->right->left->right = createNodes(23);
root->right->left->left->left = createNodes(25);
return root;
// function to height of Binary Tree
int findHeight(struct binaryTreeNode *root){
// if root is empty,I returned; 0 because root has any children
if(root== NULL) {
return 0;
else {
//The part where the root is counted as depth = 0.
//So 1 must be added when going from root to left or right child.
int leftHeight = findHeight(root -> left);
int rightHeight = findHeight(root -> right);
if(leftHeight > rightHeight)
return(leftHeight + 1);
return(rightHeight + 1);
int main() {
//I set root the binary tree nodes that I specified above
struct binaryTreeNode *root = generateBinaryTree();
printf(“The height of a binary tree: %d” ,findHeight(root));
return 0;
The height of a binary tree: 5